Animal Adaptations

We have been learning about the adaptations of animals and how they help them survive.  Post a comment describing an animal adaptation and how it helps that animal survive.

19 thoughts on “Animal Adaptations

  1. An adaptation for birds is migration. In the winter they migrate because it is too cold for them to live and raise there young in the cold. They have to travel south to keep warm.

  2. Like a cat, you may shed your fur. You would shed in the summer and grow your fur back in the winter.

  3. Camoflage is very inportmant to animals becase they have to blend in to get away from their predator.

  4. An Arctic hare has lots of adaptations. It can blend in with the snow to help keep away from other predators. Other predators like to eat the Arctic hare. But the Arctic hare turns white in the snow to hide from the predators. When the Arctic hare isn’t in the Arctic he is brown. Arctic hares have very strong back legs so that they can leap or (jump) away from there predator. Arctic hares are very cool.

  5. Tigers have lots of adaptation. They have stripes because they can blend in whith the tall grass. They have sharp teeth because the can bite into meat. They have legs because they can run away from ther predators.

  6. The bear hibernates. This makes the food supplies in winter less needed. Hibernate means to take a winter long nap.

  7. A cheetah can run really really really fast so it can get away from its predator and stay alive.

  8. Bears have a thick coat of fur to stay warm. They have powerful jaws and claws to tear up up their prey. To survive in the winter, in the summer they eat all they can so when they hibernate they won’t starve. They are brown so they can blend in with their sourondings. I don’t think they have very many predators. They are very interesting aninmals.

  9. Animal adaptations help animals survive by being able to adjust to their habitat. Adaptations are things like camouflage, hibernation, and migration.

  10. Animal adaptations help in many ways. Camoflage helps an animal blend in with their surroundings to either hide from their predator or sneak up on their prey. Hibernation helps an animal survive the cool weather. Migration helps an animal survive by either going away to cooler wearher in warmer weather, or go to warmer weather in cooler weather.

  11. An animal adaptation is things to help the animal survive like migrating or hibernating. Birds also have adaptations. For example, the eagle has a sharp beak to eat meat and the pelican has a long beak to catch fish. So animals can not survive without adaptations.

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